


我们的课程侧重于犯罪及其控制的跨学科观点, 包括治安, 透过个人改变及社区发展预防罪案. 你发展了广泛的技能,并参加了犯罪学课程, 法律, 治安, 社会学, 法医研究.







Our criminal justice program focuses on thinking critically about crime and justice, 包括了解原因, 后果, 以及对犯罪行为的反应. 学生们学习犯罪学, 法律, 治安, and 社会学 and have experiential learning opportunities through internships and faculty-led research.



Criminal justice courses are taught by faculty who have in-depth experience as criminal justice attorneys, 帮派和州警察, 医学检查, 缓刑管理人员. The program offers you opportunities to study within agencies dealing with crime and justice and take courses that study the full range of issues related to the social nature of crime, 刑法, 以及社会控制.


你必须修满38个刑事司法学分. 这些课程包括6门必修课,共20学分.

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,并看到学位要求的完整列表,请访问 课程目录.




The course introduces the ideologies of crime and crime control; the determination of rates of crime; the structure, 操作, and effectiveness of the major criminal justice agencies; and contemporary issues in crime control.


An in-depth analysis of the sociological factors associated with crime and criminality and the examination of definitions of criminal activity, 犯罪措施和犯罪行为的组织.


The senior capstone course is an interdisciplinary seminar that focuses on major issues of current interest in criminal justice. 

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,并查看完整的课程列表,请访问 课程目录.


选择6门课程(18学分). 可能包括:
  • 毒品与社会
  • 治安
  • 青少年犯罪
  • 法律与法证
  • 异常
  • 种族、民族和犯罪  

欲了解更多立博网站中文版,并查看选修课的完整列表,请访问 课程目录.


刑事司法辅修课程要求你修以下课程, 加上完成实习或以上列出的选修课之一.

  • 刑事司法概论
  • 社会研究方法
  • 异常
  • 犯罪学
  • 犯罪、法律和司法管理

有关更多立博网站中文版,并查看次要需求的完整列表,请访问 课程目录.



  • Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelated structures and functions of the major components of the criminal justice system – police, 法院, 和修正.
  • 识别和应用犯罪学理论来解释犯罪的原因, 行为模式, 和趋势.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the various methodological approaches commonly used to study criminal justice issues.
  • 评估现有犯罪学研究的质量和意义.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the diverse nature of society and how it relates to criminal justice.
  • Communicate effectively in professional settings while gaining real-world experience in the field.




  • 社会服务领域, 重点是重返大气层, 药物使用治疗和康复, 和宣传
  • 缓刑,家庭服务,以及康涅狄格州司法部门的其他部门
  • 州和地方执法机构,如警察和调查人员
  • 联邦机构,如国务院和联邦调查局
  • 保险公司——调查员和理算员



失读症分 ’21 is an investigator for the Child Support Enforcement Team of Rockland County, 纽约社会服务部, where her responsibilities include investigating absent parents with court-ordered 孩子的抚养费 obligations and enforcing them. 

Desir says the criminal justice program can be applied to so many different career paths. “实习是你最好的朋友,”她说. “他们会给你一个真实的职业体验. 你可以及早了解自己喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,从而缩小求职范围.”

阅读更多 对失读症


考特尼海曼 ’20 recently graduated from Western New England Law School and now serves as a staff attorney with 社区 Legal 援助’s Family Law Unit in Northampton, 麻萨诸塞州. There she provides legal assistance to domestic violence victims and other vulnerable clients in cases involving restraining orders, 离婚, 亲子鉴定, 监护和探视, 孩子的抚养费, 健康保险, 还有改名请愿书.

Courtney says she knew she wanted to be a 法律yer after completing an internship with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office in Newburgh, 纽约. 在那里,她与助理地区检察官一起工作, 参加刑事审判, 并培养了法律研究和写作技巧. “The Department of 社会学与刑事司法 allowed me to take courses that sharpened my reading, 写作, 以及我在法学院时用到的研究技能.”

阅读更多 立博体育官网考特尼.


Kaylah米勒 '19作品 for the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch in the New Britain Superior Court as a family services court intake assistant. 她的职责包括支持家庭顾问, 执行文书工作, 获取警方报告, 为听证会登记客户, 情况下日期, 解决方案的日期.

作为一名本科生, Kaylah got valuable experience for her current role by interning at the Meriden Superior Court where she worked in 孩子的抚养费 enforcement. 毕业后, she also worked as a real estate paralegal for Keily Mira Law in West Hartford for three years. “刑事司法是一个有益的领域,”她说. “你可以帮助公众,可以改变别人的生活.”

阅读更多 立博体育官网Kaylah.



Criminal justice major and 社会学 minor 马克Zocco ’23 is now working in the Hartford Superior Court’s family clerk’s office after completing an internship with the Connecticut Judicial Branch Experiential Learning Program (JBEL). 

Mark says nearly every UHart criminal justice course he took focused on aspects of the criminal justice system. 他说,刑事司法概论等课程, 犯罪学, and Law and the Justice System are examples of those that helped him better apply the information he learned in class to the real-life scenarios he experienced and observed during his internship. 他说,美国人的专业精神和深厚的知识.S. Criminal Justice System that he learned in the classroom contributed to his success in the internship and his job. 阅读更多

Each and every one of my criminal justice professors taught professionalism early on as a way to help prepare us for future jobs.



Dartray贝尔克是纽约市警察局的一名警官, 担任警察专员股的非裔美国人联络员. 作为在纽约警局工作了12年的老手, he has focused on nurturing and fostering relationships between the police department and the community in order to create a thriving group of active citizens. He is one of the recipients of the 立博体育官网 校友 Association's Anchor Awards, which recognizes alumni who have distinguished themselves by achieving the highest level of professional and community accomplishments. 

从大学毕业后, Belk has maintained an active involvement in civic organizations as a detective with the 纽约市 Police Department.

作为哈佛大学刑事司法专业的学生, Belk served as a mentor with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and worked as an intern with the Hartford Police Department in its Weed and Seed Crime Prevention Program. 也, 学生时代, 他是篮球队的队员, 男子橄榄球俱乐部项目和黑人学生会.

你可以从书中学习, but in the field you develop a network and mentors who are going to help you along the way in your career.

2006年1月,美国.S. 缓刑官刑事司法和社会学辅修




Our program helps you prepare for a wide range of careers by addressing the most pressing issues of our time. 社会学 has a broad scope and relevance for research, theory, 法律, and social policy.



Our politics and government program gives you the opportunity to explore your interests and get hands-on experience before you graduate.
