College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions

BS in Health Sciences/MS in Occupational Therapy

At a Glance

我们的健康科学理学学士/职业治疗理学硕士(BS/MSOT)是一个为期五年的课程, which enables you to start your career sooner. 学生完成学士学位的要求,并在第四年开始专业课程, completing the master's degree by the end of the fifth year.

Full Time
Rolling Admission

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science

About the Major

students using therapy swing

职业治疗师帮助所有年龄段的人过上积极、富有成效和独立的生活. 他们可以帮助身体残疾的幼儿或中风后康复的老年人. 职业治疗师使人们有可能完成“生活的工作”,并充分享受生活.

In our five-year BS/MSOT program, you will earn a bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, 哪个课程提供了为你进入专业阶段做准备的先决条件的科学和通识教育课程. 在你大二和大三的时候,你还会有两门职业前治疗课程,这将给你一个职业前治疗的预览,并帮助你开始思考你的职业.

Once accepted into the combined BS/MSOT program, 你将直接从本科课程转入硕士学位专业课程 without having to re-apply, provided you maintain the required grade point average of 3.0. 

The professional program 从你的第四年开始,提供一系列基础科学课程, skills laboratories and fieldwork. 你将有几个综合的实地工作经验,涉及从儿科到老年人的特定人群. 最终的实地考察经历是专业课程最后一个学期的全职实地考察. 该课程的毕业生将有资格参加国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)考试,成为一名有执照的职业治疗师.

请观看这个与项目主任Sarah Psillas合作的短片,了解更多立博体育官网UHart职业治疗的知识:

Why Study Occupational Therapy?

student helping client with laundry
  • A rewarding career: Occupational therapists make a big difference in people’s lives, whether helping someone get back to a favorite hobby, maintain their independence, return to work or school, overcome a cognitive disability or simply lead a normal life. 看到客户的进步并庆祝他们的胜利是一种非常有益的经历.
  • Strong job outlook: The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects OT jobs to grow 12 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than average.
  • High salaries: Salary.Com报道,拥有硕士学位的职业治疗师的全国平均工资为97美元,360 in 2023; in Connecticut the average was $105,000.
  • Top career职业治疗一直被列为顶级职业之一,也是最能抵御经济衰退的职业之一. Read more.

What can occupational therapists do?

职业治疗师帮助有健康挑战的人充分参与生活. They may help them learn or re-learn skills like dressing, eating, bathing, preparing meals, driving, and work and leisure activities. From a child with autism to a wounded warrior with a double amputation, this video from our national occupational therapy association AOTA shows the different ways OTs help their clients achieve their goals:


Degree Requirements

The undergraduate phase of the combined BS/MSOT program is a total of 125 credits. A sample of courses is listed below; see the course catalog for the complete curriculum.

GPA Requirements

Students who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.所有本科课程的学生都可以直接进入专业阶段,而不需要重新申请. 未达到GPA要求的学生将失去直接进入MSOT课程的资格,但可以留在本科课程中完成B.S. in Health Sciences.

Science Courses

Introduction to Biology I

College Chemistry I, II

Anatomy & Physiology I, II

Mechanics, Heat and the Body

Pre-OT Seminar I, II

General Education Courses

General education courses may include the following:

Academic Writing I, II

Introduction to Psychology

Business and Professional Communication

Precalculus with Trigonometry

Sociology of Health and Illness

Career Outlook

professor with student

Occupational therapists are in demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects jobs for occupational therapists to grow 12 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. 职业疗法将继续成为治疗各种疾病和残疾患者的重要组成部分, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, autism, or loss of a limb. The need for occupational therapists is expected to remain strong as the U.S. population ages and people with disabilities desire to remain physically active, productive and independent.

The Hursey Center

The Francis X. Nancy Hursey高级工程和健康专业中心为我们的职业治疗学生提供最先进的实验室和学习空间. Take a look at our beautiful facilities!

赫尔西中心的家庭保健套房允许职业治疗专业的学生练习帮助客户完成烹饪等任务, doing laundry, and getting in and out of the shower. The suite includes a working kitchen and model bathroom. The suite is also used for inter-professional education with our nursing, physical therapy, and education students.


In the home health suite, adaptive kitchen tools help adult clients with food preparation and cooking.

学生学习使用球坑在职业治疗技能实验室,以帮助儿童客户的姿势控制, spatial understanding, core strength and body awareness.



Occupational Therapy Assistants

我们为职业治疗助理(ota)提供灵活的选择来申请我们的课程. Contact us for more information.

Freshman applications are reviewed on a rolling basis beginning in late September. If you are a high school student interested in the occupational therapy program, you should complete courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics with an A or B grade point average. 

2018年,立博体育官网对那些认为自己的SAT或ACT成绩不能代表自己的学术成就和潜力的申请人实施了一项考试选修政策. 欢迎所有学生申请考试,并应在申请表上注明. 我们的考试选择政策与全面审查每一份入学申请的目标是一致的. 

请注意:重罪定罪可能会延迟或禁止通过NBCOT认证,并可能阻止国家许可. For more information, refer to

Please see the Tuition and Fees page for the most up-to-date information.

Office of Admission and Financial Aid

We Are Accredited!

入门级职业治疗硕士学位课程由美国职业治疗协会(AOTA)的职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)认证。, located at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE’s telephone number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA and its web address is 该课程的毕业生将有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理的职业治疗师国家认证考试。. After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, 国家执照通常是基于NBCOT认证考试的结果. 请注意,重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT认证考试或获得州执照的能力.


Program Contact

Heather Johnson
Program Specialist, Occupational Therapy Program
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences