The Hartt School


At a Glance

哈特学校的吉他课程是美国历史最悠久、最发达的以表演为基础的吉他课程. 该课程提供硕士学位、研究生专业文凭、音乐艺术博士学位和艺术家文凭.

Full Time

Degrees Offered

Total Credits

Bachelor of Music


Master of Music


Doctor of Musical Arts


Artist Diploma



About the Major

In 1968, 哈特学院的第一个吉他专业毕业了,多年来,该项目已经扩展到提供音乐硕士学位, Graduate Professional Diploma, Doctor of Musical Arts, and Artist Diploma.

在哈特,您将参加由世界知名表演者举办的大师班. 过去的客座艺术家包括Oscar Ghiglia, Antigoni Goni和Andrew York.

我们的毕业生目前或曾在各著名机构担任吉他职位, including New England Conservatory, Boston Conservatory, The Longy School of Music, and Oberlin Conservatory.

我们的校友和现在的学生在委内瑞拉的Alirio Diaz国际吉他比赛中赢得或进入决赛, Guitar Foundation of America International Guitar Competition, American String Teachers Competition, MTNA competition, and Appalachian State Guitar Competition.

In addition to classical guitar training, you will also experience chamber music, guitar pedagogy, guitar literature, lute and baroque guitar tablature, and electric guitar styles. 我们的目标是培养为进入音乐会表演和大学教学领域做好准备的毕业生. 为此,我们每周举办表演课程,所有表演专业的学生都必须参加. In addition, every year, 我们赞助六到八场公开演出,作为“吉他之夜”系列音乐会的一部分.  这为我们的学生提供了在专业环境中发展和完善他们的表演技能的机会.

Admission and Audition Requirements

请参见以下学位的具体乐器试音要求. Learn more 立博体育官网本科或研究生申请流程,亲自试镜日期和截止日期.


Bachelor of Music

  • 三首对比鲜明的作品(最好是两首凭记忆演奏)

Suggested Repertoire:

  • Carcassi: 25 Melodious Studies – Nos. 2, 3, 7, 13, 15
  • Sor: Twenty Studies, edited by Segovia
  • Giuliani: Any studies one page or longer in length
  • Six Lute Pieces from the Renaissance (Columbia Music)
  • Villa-Lobos: Any preludes or études (Max Eschig)
  • J.S. Bach: “Bourrée” or “Allemande” from the 1st Lute Suite, “Sarabande” from the 3rd Cello Suite, or any movement from the 1st Cello Suite
  • Tárrega: Adelita & Lagrima
  • Brouwer: Selected works from Simple Studies, Vol. 1 & 2 (Max Eschig)

These pieces are to be played on classical guitar (nylon strings). 他们应该展示你的技术和音乐能力,以一个良好的手的位置和坐姿, as well as the ability to produce a good focused fingernail sound.

Please note: 我们有来自美国和世界各地的学生来到哈特. 这是哈特教育如此特别的原因之一. 有些学生被录取,并在他们的乐器上进行了广泛的私人学习. 其他人的经验更少(也许更少的传统培训), 但他们的天赋和对音乐的热爱使他们在很短的时间内取得了显著的进步,因为我们教师的专业知识.

我们的要求有时非常具体,让申请人了解他们应该进入一个高水平的音乐学院环境. 但是,我们鼓励申请人与我们的教师联系,讨论试音曲目. It may be that what you have prepared will suffice. Our primary goal is to identify potential, and if we feel that the potential is there, 我们有责任为每一位学生提供成功的工具.

如果你想和教职员联系讨论一下你的试镜曲目, please write to

Master of Music

哈特学院的研究生课程是一个高度发达的基于绩效的课程. We look for and accept students with well-developed technical, musical, interpretative, and practice skills, 谁表现出对高水平表演标准的承诺,并渴望追求大学教学/表演事业或独奏/室内乐事业.

Thirty minutes of solo repertoire played from memory is required. 虽然我们偶尔会接受不具备以下技能的学生, it is more an exception than the norm.

  • A major Baroque Suite. J.S. Bach and S.L. Weiss are the most frequently performed composers.
  • A major 20th-century work. 经常被代表的作曲家包括:布劳威尔、马丁、布里顿、道奇森等.
  • A major work by one of the following: Sor, Giulliani, Coste, Mertz, Regondi or any Spanish or Latin American composer.

Doctor of Musical Arts & Artist Diploma

DMA和AD课程是哈特音乐学院最高水平的音乐培训. As such, 吉他系不仅需要良好的技术和解释能力,还需要高水平的音乐和艺术能力.

Audition: The audition is based upon a recital program, (approximately sixty minutes in length), submitted by the candidate with the doctoral application. 在此期间,委员会将要求候选人播放所提交节目中的选段. The submitted program should contain:

  • A major Bach suite, preferably one of the lute suites; Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro; or Chaconne.
  • A major 20th-century work

Our Faculty

Christopher Ladd

Guitar Faculty; Associate in Music and Guitar; Program Chair, Guitar and Harp

屡获殊荣、享誉国际的古典吉他手克里斯托弗·拉德(Christopher Ladd)是北美和海外公认的当代最有前途的古典音乐家之一.

Fingerstyle Guitar称赞他的表演“……表现得自信而富有表现力”.” Praised as “… an exercise in extremes.,他作为独奏家和室内乐家备受追捧.

Peter Clemente

Artist Teacher of Guitar

A native of New England, 屡获殊荣的吉他手彼得·克莱门特是一位经常独奏者和忠实的音乐教育家.

兼收并蓄的音乐家,受古典和即兴传统的影响, 他的演奏被形容为“华丽的古典吉他”(卡姆登先驱), and “haunting expressiveness” (Worcester Telegram and Gazette).

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